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Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 12:14 am by PanthersRowell

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Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 7:04 pm by RayRay


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 Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers?

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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? Empty
PostSubject: Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers?   Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptyThu Jan 28, 2010 9:36 am

Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers?
Some scouts question the Florida quarterback's mechanics, but none question his leadership.
By Charles Chandler
Posted: Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010
Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? Seniorbowl0128.ART_GHO135N2A.1+tebow.JPG.embedded.prod_affiliate.138
Tim Tebow was accustomed to playing out of the shotgun at Florida. He's had some fumbles this week taking regular snaps. DAVE MARTIN - AP

MOBILE, Ala. Perhaps the most decorated college football player of our time is quickly becoming one of the most scrutinized prospects of the upcoming NFL draft class.

Tim Tebow, Florida's all-universe quarterback, has begun the process at the Senior Bowl this week of trying to convince NFL teams he can make the transition from the Gators' spread offense to a pro-style attack.

Already, he is showing his toughness, practicing despite a bout with strep throat that sent him to an area hospital for treatment.

He's also been meeting prospective teams, including the Carolina Panthers, fielding questions and allowing clubs to get to know him better.

It's in those more intimate settings that Tebow is expected to excel. If there's one thing the pro scouting world doesn't question, it's his integrity and leadership abilities.

However, his throwing mechanics and even his ability to take the snap from under center has been questioned this week.

Tebow was accustomed to playing out of the shotgun at Florida, and has had some fumbles this week, especially Monday, taking regular snaps.

Jacksonville Jaguars general manager Rick Smith said that's normal for quarterbacks early during practice weeks for all-star games and that "I think we're being almost too critical at times with a guy who didn't work under the center maybe a lot in college."

Smith and the Jaguars live in the epicenter of where Tebow is most popular and many expect them to draft him in order to boost ticket sales.

"We know him probably better than any other NFL team," said Smith. "He's from Jacksonville.

"We certainly feel he's one of the better competitors in all of college football. Whether it's in Jacksonville or somewhere else, we feel he'll do well no matter what he pursues."

The Panthers may well be interested in a young quarterback prospect to groom, too, and Tebow would also be a big draw in Charlotte.

If, as expected, Tebow falls out of the first round, the Panthers could be in position to draft him. They aren't scheduled to pick until the middle of the second round after trading their first-round selection to San Francisco last year in order to draft defensive end Everette Brown.

Carolina could use an infusion of young talent at the quarterback position. The Panthers have a promising third-year quarterback in Matt Moore, who was 4-1 to close the season, and also are expected to bring back veteran Jake Delhomme, who is coming off his most difficult season with the team (18 interceptions in 11 games).

Some scouts and NFL observers think Tebow is better suited for a West Coast offense than the more prototype style the Panthers play, but Tebow said believes he can adapt to various systems.

"I believe in myself and I believe in my ability, and my ability to be coachable, and my ability to work hard," said Tebow.

Among the primary criticisms scouts have had of his passing this week is that he needs to release the ball faster and to shorten his throwing motion.

Tebow is willing to change, but doesn't believe he needs an overhaul of how he throws the ball.

"I think it depends on the coaches. It depends on the organization," he said. "I feel with quickening it, yeah, we can work on that. But with the actual release, I think it's OK.

"There is definitely room for improvement, (but) there are other guys in the league who have similar releases."

Former Falcons and Oilers coach Jerry Glanville has attended Senior Bowl practices this week and noted that Tebow's thick torso and lower body resembles the body type of a tight end. However, he said he noticed the same thing about two quarterbacking greats years ago when they were making the transition from college to the pros - Peyton Manning and John Elway.

"In pro football, you throw with your legs as much as anything, so I think that's his plus," said Glanville.

Glanville said he believes Tebow is more of a "results" guy in games than a player who's going to shine in practice.

"Yesterday (Tuesday), Tebow did not have a good throwing day," said Glanville. "But you'd better not judge him until the game is live and going on."

After all, Tebow won a Heisman Trophy and two national championships at Florida throwing for 88 touchdowns and rushing for 57.

He was asked Tuesday how anyone could question his ability to play the position given that level of production in college.

"I don't know," he said. "You've just got to keep going out here and working every day, trying to improve."
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Number of posts : 119
Age : 36
Location : Huntersville, NC
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers?   Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptyTue Feb 02, 2010 9:36 am

I think it would be a bad decision to draft him. He needs to go to a team where he can learn behind a proven vet, and we obviously don't have that. I wish him the best and hope he does well, but I don't want us to draft him. I would rather us draft a QB that isn't going to take as long to be ready.
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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers?   Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 7:06 pm

This didnt turn out awkward. lol!
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Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers?   Would Tebow be right fit for Panthers? EmptyFri Nov 04, 2011 8:03 pm

A common topic lately, locally, is the question of "would Tebow be a good backup to Cam?" Most agree that it would be a bad decision for the franchise, but some feel that our CamRules offense would also be Tebow friendly. I have my doubts, but it is kind of interesting for a sports radio topic.
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