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Police Chief Says Talk Radio Host May Have Led To Burning Of Female Friend's Car EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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 Police Chief Says Talk Radio Host May Have Led To Burning Of Female Friend's Car

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G Killette
G Killette

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Police Chief Says Talk Radio Host May Have Led To Burning Of Female Friend's Car Empty
PostSubject: Police Chief Says Talk Radio Host May Have Led To Burning Of Female Friend's Car   Police Chief Says Talk Radio Host May Have Led To Burning Of Female Friend's Car EmptySat Apr 04, 2009 3:51 pm

Police Chief Says Talk Radio Host May Have Led To Burning Of Female Friend's Car
East Ridge Police Investigating Destruction Of Vehicle Formerly Owned By Freeman Cooper
posted April 3, 2009

Chattanooga Police Chief Freeman Cooper said on-air statements by a
Talk Radio host may have led to the torching of a car belonging to a
female friend.

Chief Cooper said Robert T. Nash, afternoon host on WGOW, repeatedly
talked about him allegedly spending time on Anderson Avenue with April

He said, "He continually talked about it and gave the exact address.
He spent two hours just the other day trashing her. This may have put
me and Ms. Millsaps in danger."

He said he did not know if the arson of the 2008 Dodge Nitro that formerly

belonged to him was aimed at him or Ms. Millsaps.

Mr. Nash said, "I think it is ridiculous that the head of a law enforcement agency would actually believe, let alone be foolish enough to assert, that something I said led to the burning of a car. After all, I do 15 hours of live radio every week using my real name. I proudly proclaim my Brainerd residency, my home telephone number with street address is published in the print and online telephone directory, and I have been known to give out my own home address - 3623 Lerch Street - On Air. I can't resist pointing out no harm has ever come to me, my wife, our pets or our property."

Mr. Nash said Chief Cooper's assertion "appears to be yet another link in a long chain of events that seemingly suggest Mr. Cooper is not an effective leader, going so far as to suggest the chief may be suffering from paranoia. "I know law enforcement is a stressful occupation.

"As for the facts at hand, if Chief Cooper really believes this, then the burden of proof is upon him to prove that is what happened. I think it is beyond telling that Police Chief Freeman Cooper would be so shortsighted as to make the unfortunate suggestion that a legitimate member of the working media reporting factually and accurately from public records has somehow placed him or anyone else in danger. I'll go on to say blaming the media is rarely a satisfactory response to anything. I mean really, if Freeman Cooper is fearful for his own safety, I will respectfully suggest he give considerable thought to stepping down and returning to private life."

Chief Cooper said later Friday, "Talk Show host Robert T. Nash did not just talk about April Millsaps on his show, but he actually gave her name, age, date of birth, home address, and cell number on the air.

"He then proceeded to give the make, model and color of the vehicle that she drove to include the tag number. All of this information given out live over the radio is most definitely an act that would be considered by most normal people that would endanger the life and property of this young woman. For this man to now claim that he should not be blamed for any harm that may have come to Miss Millsaps is ridiculous.

"The fact that she is or is not a girlfriend is irrelevant, and a part of my personal life and not a matter that I will discuss. I have violated no public policy, city code or ordinance, police policy or procedure - even if I were involved in a relationship with Miss Millsaps. For anyone to allege any different, including Robert T. Nash, is just a lie."

Chief Cooper said the vehicle was totally destroyed in the fire about
1:30 a,m. on Sunday, March 15.

He said Ms. Millsaps and her two small children were sleeping in her
nearby apartment at the time.

East Ridge Police said they were dispatched to Anderson Avenue on a
car fire. When they arrived, they observed a 2008 Dodge Nitro on fire
in the parking lot.

After the fire was under control, an arson investigator found a
lighter lying behind the car. Police said when the fire department
first approached, the driver's side door was open.

A second vehicle that was nearby was damaged.

The Dodge Nitro was towed to East Ridge Fire Station 2 for further
investigation. East Ridge Police said they were following up on
several leads.

Ms. Millsaps became an employee of the police department on Feb. 9
working as a records clerk.

The Dodge Nitro had recently been moved into her name.
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