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Helping you figure out this Peppers mess EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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Helping you figure out this Peppers mess Empty
PostSubject: Helping you figure out this Peppers mess   Helping you figure out this Peppers mess EmptySun Feb 01, 2009 11:39 am

Helping you figure out this Peppers mess
by Steve Reed (CarolinaGrowl)

There have been a lot of posts (and some confusion) regarding what the Panthers will/can do with Julius Peppers and the logistics of a possible trade.

Let me try to clear things up...

Ever since Peppers came out after the season and hinted that he didn't want to come back -- and then confirmed it through his agent a few days later -- my thinking is the team would put the franchise tag on him and trade him. And I still think that's the safe bet as to what's going to happen.

Now there is some confusion over what that means and how it would play out.

If the Panthers put the tag on Peppers (and that would be between Feb. 5 and 19), then they can trade him beginning Feb. 27. That trade would include Peppers reaching a long-term contract first with his new team. Think Kris Jenkins here. Before the Jets would agree to trade two draft picks to Carolina last year, they first worked out a new five-year contract with Jenkins. Likewise, the Minnesota Vikings had a deal in place when they traded for Kansas City's franchise player Jared Allen last year. The same thing would happen with Peppers. Folks, there isn't a team in the league that's crazy enough to trade for Peppers without first getting him to agree to a long-term contract.

So think of the franchise tag as a tool the Panthers can use to trade him, giving the team some bit of leverage.

Here's another misconception. Some people think that if the Panthers franchise Peppers and trade him they still have to pay him $16.8 million this season. That's not true. They won't have to pay Peppers a dime and he won't cost a dime under their salary cap. He will be off the books since that franchise contract would be torn up once he signs a new long-term deal with another team.

There is a small risk in putting the franchise tag on Peppers. If the Panthers were to put the tag on him and Peppers were to sign it, the Panthers would have to pay him $16.8 million this season. And they'd find themselves in this same situation next year. But I don't think he'd do that. I think he's more than willing to work with the team on cutting a deal with another team that would allow him to get out of Charlotte.

There are some who think the Panthers will NOT use the franchise tag on Peppers at all, and will allow him to become an unrestricted free agent. That's certainly possible, but I just can't imagine the Panthers letting theformer No. 2 pick in the 2002 draft and a four-time Pro Bowler walk without getting any draft picks in return. That, to me, makes no sense. And if that happens somebody should get fired.

That's what I think they're almost forced to put the franchise tag on him and trade him.

One more thing.

There's another misconception out there that Carolina can put the franchise tag on Peppers, trade him, and then move the franchise tag to Jordan Gross. But that can't happen, and here's why. The league's trading period doesn't begin until Feb. 27. So that's the earliest the Panthers can trade Peppers. At that date it would be too late to put the tag on Gross because, remember, you can only designate a player with the franchise tag between Feb. 5 and 19. (And, just so we're clear, you can only use the franchise tag on one player at a time).

That's why I have been writing about how imperative it is to get Gross signed to a long term contract -- the sooner, the better Marty Hurney -- so that the Panthers can use the franchise tag available to use on Peppers and you don't have to worry about using it on Gross. Now, that said, obviously those in the Peppers camp are rooting for those in the Gross camp to holdout on a new deal until after Feb. 19 because that might force the Panthers into putting the tag on Gross instead of Peppers.

Hey, I know it's all a little confusing, so if anyone has any other questions don't hesitate to post them below and I'll try to answer them.

But I hope that clears up a few things.
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