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Trgovac's defense was Fox's defense EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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 Trgovac's defense was Fox's defense

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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Trgovac's defense was Fox's defense Empty
PostSubject: Trgovac's defense was Fox's defense   Trgovac's defense was Fox's defense EmptySun Jan 25, 2009 1:50 am

Trgovac's defense was Fox's defense
Posted: Friday, Jan. 23, 2009

Mike Trgovac was no Jack Del Rio. That was Trgovac's biggest problem. He replaced Del Rio as defensive coordinator for the Carolina Panthers and worked the job six seasons, worked it until Thursday, when he quit.

Fans could not stand Trgovac. He was the least-liked Panthers coach since Dan Henning. You remember Dan. Old guy, lived in a hotel, ran the draw 45 consecutive times on third and long before the Panthers ran him off.

The Miami Dolphins found him. He was the offensive coordinator who this season helped take a 1-15 team to the playoffs.

Fans blamed Henning for a conservative offense just as they blame Trgovac for a conservative defense. But coordinators aren't free to devise the game plan they want. They devise the game plan the head coach wants. The coach creates the outline and the coordinators fill it in.

When I look at the imprint of the Panthers defense, I see the initials J.F. This defense is as much a reflection of head coach John Fox as it is Trgovac. Watch Fox in training camp or during practice. He is more likely to work with the defense than the offense.

Are Julius Peppers and the fellows so much more engaging and entertaining than Steve Smith and his counterparts on offense? No. You go with what you know.

Before Fox was a head coach, he was a defensive coordinator and before he was a defensive coordinator, he coached the secondary. He did work one season as a consultant. I guarantee you he was not consulting quarterbacks or receivers.

Regardless of who the defense belonged to, it wore out as the season wore on. In the biggest game the defense played its worst game.

You saw it and I wrote about it. The game plan against Arizona was inexplicable. Larry Fitzgerald was allowed to run free during the first half when the outcome was determined.

Defensive backs didn't press, linebackers didn't give him a shot as he left the line and Chris Gamble, who emerged as the team's best cornerback, was not assigned to him.

True, Atlanta and Philadelphia also couldn't stop Fitzgerald in the playoffs. But Anquan Boldin, the best No. 2 receiver in football, started against both of them. He didn't play against Carolina.

One evening does not define a defense.

This team did go 12-4 and win the NFC South. We allow ourselves to forget.

And even if Trgovac had devised, within Fox's parameters, an outstanding game plan, it never would have been as good as Del Rio's.

When Del Rio was coordinator, the Panthers blitzed every play and the blitzes were never picked up and the bigger the game the better they worked.

It's no wonder fans bring Del Rio's name up as frequently and as reverently as they do.

I mean, look at the record.

Del Rio coached one season, the Panthers went 7-9 and he left town before fans could tire of him.

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