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Woman's Tap Dance Classes Confused With Lap Dances Reporting EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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 Woman's Tap Dance Classes Confused With Lap Dances Reporting

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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Woman's Tap Dance Classes Confused With Lap Dances Reporting Empty
PostSubject: Woman's Tap Dance Classes Confused With Lap Dances Reporting   Woman's Tap Dance Classes Confused With Lap Dances Reporting EmptyTue Mar 10, 2009 11:32 am

Woman's Tap Dance Classes Confused With Lap Dances Reporting
Andrew Luria

FAIR OAKS, Calif. (CBS13) ― A woman is experiencing a case of mistaking identity; not of her personal identity, but of what her business offers.

When Helen Hart tried to jumpstart business at her house by putting up a sign for adult tap dancing classes, the 79-year-old grandma started fielding calls for adult lap dancing services.

"I get maybe three to 17 [calls] a week," Helen said. "I'm nearly 80, so age does mean something. Can you imagine a man coming to the door and I open the door and I go, 'Yeah?' He goes, 'Oh, never mind.'"

The average age for Helen's tap-dancing students is about 60 years old, a Bible is prominently displayed 10 feet from the entrances and inspirational messages can be seen throughout her house -- anyone who had the wrong idea would be quickly corrected when they reached the front door.

Some of her students don't think it would be such a bad thing if people thought they were coming by as part of a lap dance service. "At my age, it's a little flattering," laughed Jane Viar.

Helen says when men call, she just tells them to bring their daughters over so she can teach them to tap dance. That usually ends the conversation.Link
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