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Fitzgerald's a big Steve Smith fan EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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 Fitzgerald's a big Steve Smith fan

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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Fitzgerald's a big Steve Smith fan Empty
PostSubject: Fitzgerald's a big Steve Smith fan   Fitzgerald's a big Steve Smith fan EmptySat Jan 31, 2009 1:32 pm

Fitzgerald's a big Steve Smith fan

-- One of the most interesting, engaging players in interviews leading up to the Super Bowl this week was Arizona wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald. He's highly intelligent, thoughtful and didn't project an inflated self-image, which is pretty good considering he's probably been the best player of the postseason.

We're planning a feature on him for Sunday's paper, but I wanted to share with you in advance, in more detail than that story will cover, what Fitzgerald had to say about Panthers' wide receiver Steve Smith. It turns out he's quite an admirer of Smith.

When asked which other receivers he most likes to watch, Fitzgerald replied:

"I like to watch everybody. Any game I can watch, any tape I can watch, I try to pick up on a lot. Like Steve Smith, I think he's the best playmaker in the NFL. When he gets his hands on the ball, no matter where people are, he finds a way to get into the end zone. Torry Holt, he's an amazing route runner. Terrell Owens, a tremendous playmaker. Randy Moss (and) those guys, Marvin Harrison, Reggie Wayne, everybody has their things that I really enjoy watching. I try to take bits and pieces of each player I watch."

Fitzgerald spoke humbly about himself, deflecting suggestions that he might be the best receiver in the league. Since he has such an incredible knack for going up high for catches (remember his first reception in the playoff game against the Panthers?), I asked him if he thinks he and Smith are similar in their ability to make those kinds of plays. When Fitzgerald answered, he spoke only about Smith, not himself.

"Steve is little big man," he said. "They say he's 5-10 on the game guide, but he plays like he's 6-4. Did you see that catch he made against New Orleans late in the second half to clinch homefield advantage (in the playoffs)? I mean, that was amazing. He makes that play all the time. I think that's about desire and sheer want-to. He's not going to be denied, and as a receiver, you have to have that same mentality."

-- Charles ChandlerLink
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