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Cam Newton scouting Andrew Luck EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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G Killette
G Killette

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Registration date : 2008-10-18

Cam Newton scouting Andrew Luck Empty
PostSubject: Cam Newton scouting Andrew Luck   Cam Newton scouting Andrew Luck EmptyFri Nov 11, 2011 8:08 pm

Cam Newton scouting Andrew Luck


CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Cam Newton has watched a lot of game film his first year in the NFL.

But Newton wants to check out a college game Saturday -- the top 10 clash between Oregon and Stanford.

Cam Newton scouting Andrew Luck 60962-330-0

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Newton has more than a passing interest. As last year's Heisman Trophy winner, Newton wants to get a long look at a couple of contenders to see if they might be deserving of his vote.

"I'm a big fan of Andrew (Luck). I got the opportunity to meet him last year. I think he's an unbelievable guy. Everybody sees what he does on the field. I'm rooting for him," Newton said. "LaMichael (James) hasn't had the season he's capable of having but everybody knows he's a top-tier player that everybody has to consider. I think it's going to be a good matchup. My eyes will be glued to the tube."

In the meantime, Newton is focused on trying to get the Panthers over the hump in close games. Carolina is 2-6 overall, with a 1-5 mark in games decided by a touchdown or less.

Newton, who had 11 turnovers in the season's first eight games, said the Panthers would try "to flush out the nonsense" when they return to action Sunday against Tennessee following last week's bye.

Notes: The Panthers cut rookie linebacker Lawrence Wilson less than a week after the practice-squad player was pulled over and charged with speeding and possession of marijuana near Salisbury, N.C. It was the first public disciplinary action Ron Rivera has taken as a head coach, although Rivera indicated Wilson's performance also was a factor.

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