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Schein's Nine: Schmoozing from the combine EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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G Killette
G Killette

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Schein's Nine: Schmoozing from the combine Empty
PostSubject: Schein's Nine: Schmoozing from the combine   Schein's Nine: Schmoozing from the combine EmptyWed Mar 18, 2009 10:02 am

Schein's Nine: Schmoozing from the combine
by Adam Schein

It's my favorite time of year, where every coach and general manager are in the same place.
And there are always three guarantees: a prospect's stock goes down, the free-agent tampering rule is clearly violated and the scene at the legendary St. Elmo's steakhouse is as delicious as the steaks.

For more scrumptious nuggets, we present the latest version of Schein's Nine ...

1. Tom Cable doesn't give a damn

And that's a good thing.

After conducting over 40 outstanding on-air interviews for Sirius NFL Radio at the scouting combine, the one that stands out the most was with a coach I've criticized and a team I have ripped to pieces.

In a refreshing, candid, 20-minute spot, Cable admits he hears the verbal jabs and sees the printed commentary wondering if he's nuts to want to work for Al Davis.

Cable's motto? "It is what it is."

He doesn't care what I think or what you think. You see, Cable is a die-hard Raiders fan. This is his dream job. While other aspiring head coaches instruct their agents to not even return Davis' calls, this is the only job Cable has ever wanted.

And he swears it is going to work and this team can make the playoffs.

Cable says he loves talking with Davis about football and life. He actually wants Davis to be omnipresent, a hurdle that other Raiders coaches couldn't get past. And while the inherent Raiders/Davis zaniness helped drive Bill Callahan, Art Shell, Lane Kiffin and Norv Turner out the door, Cable knows exactly what he is getting into.

Cable saw the signs of the Raiders playing hard for him in the final quarter of the season last year when he was the interim coach. He loved the effort in the last two games, wins against the hot Texans and a huge victory in Tampa against a team playing for the playoffs.

A smile takes over Cable's face when he talks about young tight end Zach Miller. Cable promises that all three running backs — Darren McFadden, Justin Fargas and Michael Bush — will be part of a smash-mouth attack next year. And Cable has big plans for McFadden lining up all over the field on offense.

The coach has already had several long talks with quarterback JaMarcus Russell about becoming the leader of the Raiders. Cable says Russell isn't there yet, but has shown signs by coming into work early since the season ended.

Cable says the proof of the building blocks is already there, with the best corner in the NFL, Nnamdi Asomugha, agreeing to a mega-bucks deal to stay in Oakland. And Shane Lechler, one of the best punters in the league, also doing the same.

You know I'm still skeptical of where the Raiders are under Davis and with Cable. But Cable wouldn't have it any other way.

2. Pick a tackle

Off air, general managers were split on the rankings of the top four tackles in the 2009 draft. Eugene Monroe, Andre Smith, Jason Smith and Michael Oher could all be top-12 picks. There was a big buzz around Jason Smith and Oher at the combine.

Alabama OT Andre Smith has rubbed NFL folks the wrong way by leaving the combine early. (Michael Conroy / Associated Press)

Then there's Andre Smith, who was between unimpressive and defensive in talking to us about what happened at the end of his run at Alabama. And the fact he didn't work out got more than one eye-roll from team officials. The miscommunication with combine officials over when he was leaving was not surprising from my end after interviewing him. His stock is down.

3. QB nuggets

I like both Matt Stafford and Marc Sanchez as pro prospects, and both came across great during interviews. I think they both can be very good players. Both have big-time arms and the moxie you need. But be careful about putting Matt Ryan or Joe Flacco expectations on either one since they are both coming out early. Also, I'm not convinced either the Lions or Chiefs will draft a quarterback at No. 1 and 3 respectively. But Stafford did say he'd love to be drafted by the Lions and be a part of the new direction of the franchise.

Josh Freeman intrigues me with his leadership and skills. He's the third-best quarterback, but I am not yet convinced he is one of the 32 best players in the draft.

Texas Tech's Graham Harrell is fighting an uphill battle after playing at the collegiate level in the spread offense.

I'd draft Missouri's Chase Daniel on Day 2 as my third quarterback.

The Titans not only want to bring back Kerry Collins, but they absolutely want to re-sign Chris Simms. Titans coach Jeff Fisher also told us that Vince Young came into his office and said he was ready to compete for his job. That's a good thing, because Fisher won't hand it to him.

The sense in talking to new Bucs coach Raheem Morris and general manager Mark Dominik is that while the club will add a fourth quarterback at some point this offseason, the goal is for Luke McCown to be the starter.

4. Tight end/receiver talk

South Carolina tight end Jamal Cook followed up his impressive interview with us by posting the best 40 time for tight ends. Cook thinks he has a major advantage playing for Steve Spurrier on the collegiate level. Southern Miss tight end Shawn Nelson had a great personality on the air and also looked the part working out. I think both players will be solid picks.

Don't over analyze Brandon Pettigrew's slow 40 time. The Oklahoma State product can play and remains the best tight end in the draft.. Atlanta would be thrilled if he fell to them.

I am not concerned about wide receiver Michael Crabtree's injury. This is an Andre Johnson type of talent.

Mizzou WR Jeremy Maclin is going to be a great pro as well.

5. Big Chief

Todd Haley is going to be an excellent head coach.

Haley deserves a lot of credit for putting together an excellent staff, despite being hired after the Super Bowl.

Haley and new Kansas City general manager Scott Pioli have a history together, and that's going to prove to be a huge plus in bringing in quality people and players.

The former Cardinals offensive coordinator turned down other opportunities to be a head coach. He tells me the climate is right for success with Pioli, his coaches, the rabid Chiefs fan base and the Hunt family.

By the way, the new coach hasn't talked to either Tony Gonzalez or Larry Johnson since being hired.

6. The RX for Rex

If there's one thing Rex Ryan doesn't lack, it's confidence.

The new Jets coach rightly boasts he put together an all-star staff. And he's right.

Ryan thinks the Jets defense is ready to play at the level his Ravens defense performed at under his watch, telling me that the Jets need just a player or two to bolster the unit.

And the Jets, after Brett Favre retired and Mike Tannenbaum's shrewd cap-saving cuts, are in a position to make a play for Ryan's former Ravens stars. Look for the Jets to go after either Ray Lewis or Bart Scott and Baltimore safety Jim Leonard.

Also, Ryan was pretty adamant that the Jets will not bring in a veteran quarterback. He likes the toughness of Kellen Clemens. And Ryan says the organization is split on Clemens vs. Brett Ratliff.

Right now, I could see the Jets drafting a cornerback or wideout with pick No. 17, with a quarterback being third on the list.

7. Reinforcements for the champs

Rashard Mendenhall may be the cure to what ailed the Steelers' run game last season. (Rick Stewart / Getty Images)

Steelers director of football operations Kevin Colbert smiled when discussing how last year's first-round pick Rashard Mendenhall is progressing from injury. In fact, Colbert actually confessed that if the rookie wasn't placed on IR, Mendenhall could've played in the final month.

Getting a physical runner like Mendenhall back for the season is like giving the champs a bonus first-rounder.

While I was a bit surprised the team placed the franchise tag on Max Starks, I do see Colbert and the Steelers drafting an offensive lineman in one of the first two rounds.

And if the right guy is on the board, at some point they will look for younger backups to spell their outstanding but aging defensive linemen.

8. Going, Going, Jon?

There is no way the Saints re-up with stud linebacker Jon Vilma before free agency starts on Friday. If they do, they would have to give up a first-round pick.

But look for Vilma to re-sign with New Orleans right after the Feb. 27 kickoff to free agency.

Saints general manager Mickey Loomis says the team will try to upgrade the back end of its defense, a huge problem last season.

And don't rule out New Orleans grabbing a running back at some point, either in the draft or free agency.

9. Houston, solve the problem

2009 represents a pressure cooker for Gary Kubiak and the Texans.

Kubiak just made household changes to his defensive staff. The club expects to win and get over the hump immediately.

The key is the play of quarterback Matt Schaub, who might face as much pressure as any player in the league to stay healthy.

Kubiak tells us that Schaub can do something about this, needing to learn when to avoid hits And Kubiak stresses that Schaub's ball security must improve this season.
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