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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 12:25 am by PanthersRowell

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 12:19 am by PanthersRowell

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 12:16 am by PanthersRowell

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 12:14 am by PanthersRowell

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Nov 19, 2011 12:07 am by PanthersRowell

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySat Nov 12, 2011 7:05 pm by RayRay

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AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines Empty
PostSubject: AINTS: New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines   AINTS:  New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines EmptySun Mar 15, 2009 10:42 am

New Orleans Saints seek help on defensive, offensive lines
Posted by Mike Triplett, The Times-Picayune March 14, 2009 11:30PM
Categories: Saints
Add defensive lineman Paul Spicer and center Nick Leckey to the list of free agents the Saints are strongly considering.

Spicer, a 10-year veteran who has started 63 games with the Jacksonville Jaguars, would provide depth at both tackle and end, which could come in handy if the Saints lose starting ends Will Smith and Charles Grant to four-game suspensions at the start of the 2009 season.

Spicer is 33, but he has remained healthy and productive, and new Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams knows him well, having spent last season with the Jaguars. Spicer (6 feet, 4 inches, 295 pounds) has missed two games the past four seasons, with a combined 21.5 sacks and five forced fumbles over that stretch. He had 3.5 sacks and one forced fumble last year.

The Saints also visited with free agent defensive tackle Shaun Cody last week. Although they have several tackles on the roster, they don't plan to re-sign veteran free agent Antwan Lake. And they could still release veteran Brian Young and/or Hollis Thomas, depending on what other moves they make.

Leckey is a five-year veteran who has started 32 games in St. Louis and Arizona. The 6-3, 302-pounder started the first 10 games for the Rams last season but ended the season on injured reserve with a broken foot.

The Saints need to sign a backup center behind starter Jonathan Goodwin. Last season's backup, Matt Lehr, is an unrestricted free agent. The Saints have continued to talk with Lehr.

"We've still got to sign a backup center, another backup defensive lineman potentially, and we're still looking at the safety market," Saints Coach Sean Payton said while hosting a fundraiser at Lakeview Playground on Saturday. "So we're kind of into that second phase (of free agency), but it's a little bit ongoing. We're still looking for the right fits, and I don't think we're finished."

Veteran safety Darren Sharper remains a strong candidate to fill the Saints' most glaring need. The Saints visited with him nearly two weeks ago and have continued to talk with him since, but there has been no sense of urgency from either side to get a deal done quickly.

VIKING FEST: Payton's Pay It Forward Foundation joined forces with the Lakeview Boosters and organizer Arthur Boisfontaine to host "Viking Fest" on Saturday. Although scattered showers rained out some of the scheduled musical acts and events, Payton still kept busy meeting fans and signing autographs.

Payton participated in a mile fun run in the morning, then handed out awards to the winners from a 5K race. He later hosted a "Football 101 Clinic" and helped with the silent auction. Proceeds went toward revitalizing the playground.

"We're really making a difference here," said Payton, who envisioned both the big-time events like last year's Black and Gold Gala and the smaller community events when he and his wife Beth started their foundation last year. "We're going to raise money, and they're going to turn around and put fences on the field and refurbish the concession stands and things like that. So it's those little things, helping an area like this. This park is a big deal to those kids."

Payton got a kick out of the "Viking Fest" posters, which were designed by local artist Tuna Seither. The print featured Payton as a shaggy-haired kid in his pee-wee football uniform in front of the park -- based on actual childhood photo.

As for his performance in the one-mile run, Payton joked, "I know this. I've got a month before the Crescent City, and it tells me I've got to get training more."
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