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Peters, Bills aren't close to new contract EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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 Peters, Bills aren't close to new contract

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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Peters, Bills aren't close to new contract Empty
PostSubject: Peters, Bills aren't close to new contract   Peters, Bills aren't close to new contract EmptySat Mar 14, 2009 12:05 pm

Peters, Bills aren't close to new contract
March 13
Buffalo News

"The Buffalo Bills and Jason Peters still are a long way apart in negotiations on a new contract.

Peters and the Bills, in fact, may be more than $3 million-a-year apart on their offers toward a long-term contract, league sources have told The News.

There still is plenty of time for the two sides to negotiate, if both sides are committed to getting a deal done. However, the fact last year's talks went nowhere raises the prospect of another stalemate between the Bills and Peters.

The NFL Draft is six weeks away. If the Bills are not closer to a deal as the draft approaches, they could opt to trade their most talented offensive lineman.

It's believed Peters wants to be the highest-paid left tackle in the NFL. Neither the Bills nor Peters' agent, Eugene Parker, are commenting on negotiations. However, a source familiar with talks said Peters' first offer was in excess of the $11.5 million-a-year deal signed by Miami's Jake Long, who was the first pick in the draft last year. Long's deal was for five years and $57.5 million.

It's expected the Bills would argue in negotiations that Long's deal is not exactly relevant to Peters because No. 1 overall draft picks have different contract parameters based on what past top picks have received.

The top contract signed by a veteran left tackle went to Carolina's Jordan Gross just three weeks ago. A week before he was about to become an unrestricted free agent, he signed a six-year contract worth about $60 million, with $30.5 million in the first three years of the deal.

Gross, 28, is a six-year veteran who made his first Pro Bowl last season. Peters, 27, is a five-year veteran and a three-year starter. He made his second straight Pro Bowl in 2008.

Peters' play in 2008 did not equal his dominant performance in 2007. He sat out all of the Bills' offseason workouts, training camp and preseason and reported to the team on the eve of the regular-season opener. Peters had a slow start to the year. However, he still was voted to the Pro Bowl, a sign of how highly he is regarded by opposing players and coaches. Peters, a 6-foot-4, 330- pounder, is widely viewed as one of the most talented young linemen in the NFL. "
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