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Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition EmptySat Dec 03, 2011 11:28 pm by JohnDeezy89

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 Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition

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G Killette
G Killette

Number of posts : 1288
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition Empty
PostSubject: Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition   Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition EmptyTue Mar 10, 2009 11:37 am

Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition
Koula Gianulias SACRAMENTO (CBS13) ―

'Natalie Dylan', a Sacramento State grad, is auctioning off her virginity to pay for graduate school.
Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition NatalieDylan_1
Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition Nataliedylan
Offers Pouring Into Student Selling Her Virginity
Bidders Offering Millions For Student's Virginity
A Sacramento State grad is trying to make money the old fashioned way, by auctioning off her virginity to help pay for her graduate studies. And so far, bidding is up to $250,000.

The 22-year-old who is using the pseudonym Natalie Dylan for safety reasons is going through a legal brothel in Nevada to sell her virginity. "The main purpose of this is to finance a couple things in my life," Dylan told CBS13. "I think empowerment of women is picking yourself up and doing something on your own to better yourself."

Dylan says she's already taken a polygraph test to prove her virginal status, and is also willing to undergo a medical exam.

The auction will take place at the Bunny Ranch in Carson City, Nevada with bids coming in through their website. Owner Dennis Hof tells CBS13 that eBay rejected the auction, so he'll handle the entire process.

Hof says Dylan is a bright, beautiful young woman who's going to consider a number of factors in her decision because she wants her first time to be a positive experience. "Natalie is a very smart girl. All she wants to do is get her master's degree in family and marriage counseling and be a psychologist. She's selling her virginity to accomplish that," Hof told CBS13. "She's smart enough to sell it. This is empowering her."

So far, hundreds of offers have already come in including some from male virgins. Natalie says she won't give up her virginity to the highest bidder. She's also seeking other qualities from her first lover. "I'm looking for intelligence and an overall nice person," said Dylan.

Hof also says Natalie Dylan ended up in a financial bind, because her stepfather allegedly used her college status to fraudulently apply for student loans, and then ran off with the money.

Dylan earned her bachelor's degree in women's studies from Sacramento State and plans to get her master's at the school beginning in January.

Many Sac State students say they're shocked to hear about their former classmate's plan, while others applaud her.

"She's just giving it to some random person. And I just think she should be giving it to someone special she loves," said one student on campus.

While another felt that selling her virginity for grad school "is a noble reason to get money."

As for Natalie, after claiming to hold on to her virginity for 22 years (although the Bunny Ranch website claims she is 21-years-old), she says she has a commodity not many people have to sell.

"When I was younger, I wanted 100% romance, possibly even wait for marriage. But as I grew up, reality kinda hit. And I think its a capitalistic society and I want to capitalize on this," explained Dylan.
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Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2008-10-18

Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition   Sac State Grad Selling Her Virginity For Tuition EmptyThu Mar 12, 2009 11:59 am

hmmmm.....WOW! :shock:
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